Thursday, April 7, 2011

PLN Post #3- Global Warming presentation

The presentation that I found the most interesting was the first one, which was about Global Warming. I liked how the presenter had a formal speech written in advance so that he could easily read off his points and counterpoints from his position paper. However his presentation was not effective enough to change my thinking on the issue personally, but however it was humorous at times. I believe that presentations should be effective to a certain extent, but still entertaining and this presenter was mainly effective in the entertaining section of things. Such as his video which was promoting the idea of recycling and kind of had that band wagon appeal to it primarily because he was giving the illusion that everybody recycles and if you do not then you are uncool and need to get on the recycling train of sorts. But overall the presentation was fun to listen to and was of course entertaining and I have to give credit to someone who wasn't frightened by the fact that he had to stand up in front of almost 30 kids and a teacher and give a five minute presentation. That in my opinion takes guts, especially when you can make it fun and entertaining.

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